Access control Glovo


Access Control in the Intermodal Logistic Center of Barcelona

Location: Barcelona
Sector: Logistic and Transport

Security, comfort and technological image for the space and users management in one of the principal logistic centers of Europe



Challenges and Solutions

Service Center Building
Agile management of the access for the own staff and outsourced.

Automate the registration and deregistration of users process.
Centralize the information about access and permits with our Intemo Server Platform in only one BBDD to improve the control with different operators.

Automation in the management of daily big volume visits at the center and to the acts that are celebrated at the Auditorium.

(Parking, registration at reception and validation)

The management of visits system allows an agile access both to the parking and the central building through an automated registration system, offering CILSA a non waiting access and the downloading for reception of rutinary jobs that causes a cost saving.

Access control with different levels of security depending on the criticality of the areas.

CILSA defines the areas and with the Intemo Server platform the groups and permits are parameterzied following the security policy.
Automated multi technology access with a mutli factor capacity.

Offers security, technology and comfort to the Intermodal Building with an innovative design for their new multinational clients.

With the investigation and development to identify the last technological trends in access control, we have achieved that all of our devices are totally adapted to the new CILSA era, where the security and design are strategic for the more than 100 companies installed in the platform.

Integration with other subsystems:

– Security platform

– Elevators

– Parking

– Mailboxes/Lockers

Implementation through our API’s and the Intemo SecurelO expanders and the development of our technicians, adapting to the most demanding necessities of integration of the project.

Exterior access
Agile management of the exterior access of daily vehicles and trucks for the more than 100 enterprises of ZAL PORT.

The new FastPass-Truck Ticket installed at the entrances and exits of the perimetral area allow a more secure and fluid management of the vehicles access.
System of specific transit information that reinforces security.
Possibility of verifying the vehicles identity and the drivers authorization.

Unification of the staff and car and truck access, all in one platform with the lecture of different technologies of cards and the lecture of plates at the entrances of ZAL PORT.

Integration of the platform Intemo Server and FastPass-Truck Ticket with the development and integration of the IdPas-AllInOne device for the simultaneous recognition of different RFID technologies and LPR plate lecture, and adaptations for future access technologies.

Access Control

Access control at the superior lobby of the Service Center Building.

We have accomplished that more than a 100 international enterprises located at the Intermodal Logistic Center of Barcelona, one of the princial logistic centers in Barcelona, manage in an efficient way the security of spaces and staff.

success cases cilsa
Access Control

Mailboxes and lockers in the lobby of the Service Center Building

Access Control

Access control Cilsa offices

Access Control Intemo CILSA

Double Totem Intemo. Access control of cars and trucks Port Zal

Access Control

Management of reservations of the diferent rooms at the Service Center Building

Other successful stories:

Parqueacuatico 630x630 1

WaterWorld Park
Turism – Leisure

laballenaalegre 630x630 1

La Ballena Alegre
Turism – Leisure

Hospital Esperit Sant 1 630x630 1

Hospital Esperit Sant

Centre Salut Cotxeres 4 630x630 1

Centre Salut Cotxeres

grifols 2 630x630 1


casinos bcn 2 630x630 1

Casino Barcelona

salleshotel 630x630 1

Hotel Salles

rcde 630x630 1


Salas de juego Golden Park 3 630x630 1

Golden Park

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