Access Control Experience

We contribute identification solutions and intelligent management of space and people to your organization.






Corporative Software Solutions

Manage the spaces and users in an easy way: modular and escaladles solutions for the access controls, schedules management and space reservation

About us

We are experts implanting open solutions, based in standards that allow our clients to reach new challenges in access controls arrow_forward_ios






NextAccess Devices

Designed for the application in all types of environments that require security and a dinamic access control

High influx software solutions

Avoid cues and waiting times: intelligent access and space management that guarantee a quick and secure people transit

A new visual identity, to take a big step into the future

March 2023. Intemo Technologies

In our commitment to innovate and offer the best identification solutions and intelligent space and users management, we take a step forward to adapt ourselves to the new organizational needs…

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